In our fixed cost model, we pre-plan all milestones and provide pricing for each milestone. There is no possibility of unexpected modifications during the development cycle since we freeze all previous requirements. When requirements cannot change during development, this paradigm ensures on-time and within-budget project delivery.
To receive direct access to well-rounded teams, ideas, code solutions, reports, and more, you must outsource a specialized group of developers in end-to-end product delivery. As a result, those needing comprehensive development solutions can take advantage of our specialized development services.
This is the same as Time & Material Model only difference is this paradigm permits open-ended scopes but caps the maximum expenditure to avoid excessive price. In other words, T & M with a Cap states the maximum budget cap.
We charge you according to the real-time resources we use when working on a T&M contract. To better serve your audience, you might make fresh modifications while developing. However, the price will only be determined by the number of man-hours required for the project.